3.1 What are my next steps after acceptance?

1 min. readlast update: 03.20.2024

I’ve been accepted, what do I do next?  

If you have received an Offer of Admission or a Conditional Offer of Admission, your next steps include: 

  1. Confirm your Offer of Admission through Ontario Colleges
  2. Pay your tuition deposit to secure your spot in the program.
    NOTE: you will not be registered into courses until your tuition deposit is received.
  3. Apply for financial assistance, if this applies to you. 
  4. You can also track your application and make any required updates to your student account through our Algonquin College Student Information System (ACSIS). 

Please visit our Next Steps page for further information regarding your offer of acceptance and additional information to get started in your program.  

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