5.2 What if I need help with my studies?

1 min. readlast update: 03.20.2024

What resources are available if I need additional supports with my studies? 

The college offers a variety of Student Support Services, covering everything from study skills, to peer-tutoring, to academic accommodations and counselling.  

If you require academic support, the Student Learning Centre offers a variety of services that can help you succeed in your classes, including coaching in the fundamentals (writing, ESL, math, computers, and anatomy), peer-tutoring in specific classes, online workshops and student study resources. Visit the Student Learning Centre online for further information. 

What if I’m not sure what kind of supports I need? 

If you feel you need additional academic supports or referral to other college services, please visit our Online Student Success Centre to access a variety of resources.  You can also complete a Student Support Request for referral to your Student Advisor (formerly Pathway Advisor) or Student Success Specialists.  

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