Does my program lead to registration with a governing body?
Some programs are associated with professional organizations which act as regulatory bodies to govern the particular field of employment.
If you have graduated or will be graduating from any of the programs listed below, you may refer to the professional organization for next steps regarding your membership.
Early Childhood Education (diploma)
Graduates will be eligible to register with the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE) upon completion.
Home Inspection (certificate)
Graduates will be required to obtain a minimum grade of 70% in all online courses and take additional courses directly through the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI) to be eligible for certification.
Human Resources Management (graduate certificate)
Human Resources Management Studies (certificate)
Nine courses in each of these programs can be applied towards Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA) coursework requirements, students must obtain a minimum of 65% in each course to be eligible.
Project Management Studies (certificate)
Students can obtain up to 42 Professional Development Units (PDUs) towards maintaining their Project Management Institute (PMI) designation for each course completed.
Out of Town Students
The governing bodies listed above are specific to practicing in Ontario. If you are an out of province or out of country student, you will need to determine if there is an equivalent governing body and confirm the eligibility of your program or courses for registration with the professional organization.